British Values: Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs

How do we cover Tolerance of Different Faiths and Beliefs

  • All students have 1 hour of Religious Studies every week at KS3 taught by an RS specialist. RS is delivered by Form Tutors through the PDC programme in KS4 and KS5. The KS3 curriculum covers the Six Major World Religions as well as Humanism.
  • All of Year 9 visit the Hindu temple in Leicester and the Holocaust Memorial centre (Beth Shalom).
  • Assemblies on different religious festivals are delivered, for example, Diwali, Wesak and Easter
  • Staff receive training on the Prevent strategy as part of safeguarding training.
  • Prayer facilities are provided for Muslim students fasting during Ramadan
  • The Diversity group raises awareness of different beliefs through assemblies and whole-school events such as Diversity Week.