Pupil Premium was set up in April 2011 and is an additional funding system for schools. It is designed to support disadvantaged students and narrow the achievement gap between them and students not in receipt of Pupil Premium.
The Pupil Premium is paid to schools as they are best placed to assess what additional provision their students need. The Pupil Premium helps us to support the students who need it most so we can raise their standards of achievement.
There are four groups of students who benefit from this extra funding. These are students who are:
eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years (FSM6)
in care who have been looked after continuously for one day or more (CLA - Children Looked After)
adopted / no longer in care because of special guardianship, child arrangement order or a residence order (Post LAC - Look After Children)
children of service personnel, recorded as Ever 5 Service Child or in receipt of a child pension from the MoD.
Use of the funding is at the school’s discretion and is monitored by the Head Teacher and Governing Body. The funding supports our work for Pupil Premium students in a systematic way, with careful prioritisation and due attention to students’ specific and often individual needs. We actively identify all eligible students and staff know exactly who they are and what their needs are. Each member of staff is responsible for his / her group of Pupil Premium students’ progress; this is reflected in each department development plan. Data is used to agree strategies and review their impact carefully.
We are an inclusive school and at times, the provision on offer may benefit a wider group of students; it is important that support is fully integrated into the school’s systems and may be accessed by a large number of students.
At The Ecclesbourne School Pupil Premium is used to implement specific educational interventions and additional academic support targeted at Pupil Premium students in an attempt to close the gap between Pupil Premium students and non-Pupil Premium students nationally. The Pupil Premium funding as a whole is dedicated to assist the learning process of students via high quality teaching provision, specific small group and one to one tuition, inclusions measures and interventions and detailed monitoring and analysis of data to evaluate progress, impact and value for money.