Equality Objectives

Equality Objective 1:

To improve the progress of SEND (K) students to reduce the gap between those students and the rest of the cohort.

Protected Characteristic: disability

Reason for objective: GCSE attainment data (2023) indicates that SEND (K) students are making less progress compared to their peers. For SEND (K) students Progress 8 score was -0.46. For SEND (E) P8 was 0.5, for non-SEND it was 0.46 and for the whole cohort SEND 0.39.

Objective Actions Who will be involved Timescale Success Criteria
To improve the progress of SEND (K) students to reduce the gap between those students and the rest of the cohort Attainment data analysed at data points during the year.

Support provided by the Learning Support Department. Interventions provided by faculties and teaching staff

Individual faculties to have LSOs linked to them to create expertise in those subjects and thus are able to provide more meaningful support to SEND (K) students

Staff training on adaptation.
DRP (Assistant Head – SENDCo)

HLG (Assistant Head – DEI)

ALH (Data Manager)

Heads of School

Heads of Year

Faculty Heads

Teaching staff
Three data entries points during the year

Data reviewed by SLT then CLT and PLT
Reduce the Attainment 8 gap whereby SEND (K) students overall P8 is a positive number

N.B. There will be no Progress 8 data for 2025-6 as per DfE announcement
Learning Support events: Buzz Day, LS Parents Evening Learning Support Faculty
Reading programme: Catch Up Literacy, Buddy Reading AAB – Literacy Co-ordinator

Equality Objective 2:

To improve the attendance of Pupil Premium students.

Protected Characteristic: not a specific PC

Reason for objective: Attendance data shows that a greater proportion of students who are PA are Pupil Premium, than are not. In 2022-23 there were 43% of pupil premium students had attendance <90%, for non-pupil premium students this was 35%

Objective Actions Who will be involved Timescale Success Criteria
To improve the attendance of our Pupil Premium students Attendance data analysed weekly, recorded in the SIP (our data benchmarked against national picture) and discussed at PLT meetings. Ou Action plans created. CLO (Assistant Head – DSL)

Weekly throughout the year To reduce the PA of PP as much as possible. To be less than previous year (43%) and to be in line with, or less, than national figures.
LMM (Pastoral Support Worker) Letters sent termly, depending on context
A series of letter sent to families depending on context PLT  
Attendance meetings arranged with families, LMM and Heads of Year

Home visits.
LMM (Pastoral Support Worker)  

Equality Actions to Support Inclusion: 1:

To promote student appreciation of different cultures, ethnicities and religions through our curriculum, assemblies and events.

Protected characteristics: sex, sexual orientation, religion, race

Reason for choosing this objective: behaviour data and Student Voice feedback indicates that the work the school has done on this area has had a positive impact. We need to embed strategies, including the use of the Inclusive Language Charter and our messaging to Be an Upstander.

Objective Actions Who will be involved Timescale Success Criteria
To promote student appreciation of different cultures, ethnicities and religions through our curriculum, assemblies and events. Assembly rota to reflect diversity and inclusion PDO – Deputy Head (writes assembly rota)
Throughout the year Assembly rota has DEI themes within it and is followed by all ‘schools’
Assemblies across the school to have similar messaging about our values
PLT (write and deliver assemblies) Assemblies written and delivered.
Student leadership groups to lead on events and messaging HCW – Head of Sixth Form

LRM – Student Council Lead

HEP – ABA Lead
Throughout the year Curriculum is inclusive and audit evidences this.
CLT to contribute to a curriculum audit to evidence how it is inclusive. Expectation that this happens in all faculty areas and in each key stage. Curriculum Leadership Team To be completed Summer 2024 Trips, visits and events take place and student feedback gathered to evidence their impact.
Trips, visits and to be run which have an inclusive theme, such as Beth Shalom, visiting places of worship. Heads of Subject

Teaching Staff
  ALL – behaviour data reflects that students are tolerant and respectful of differences

Equality Actions to Support Inclusion: 2:

To consult with students and parents regularly to seek their feedback on our work on inclusion including through student WRATs, Student Panels, Parent/Carer Questionnaires, EAL learner profiles.

Protected characteristic: sex, sexual orientation, religion, race

Reason for choosing this objective: we have introduced a number of changes in recent years regarding our safeguarding work, our delivery of PDC and our ‘messages’ to students. We need to embed this and gather the views of our stakeholders to ensure that we share values and that what we do reflects the needs of the community.

Objective Actions Who will be involved Timescale Success Criteria
To consult with students and parents regularly to seek their feedback on our work on inclusion including through student WRATs, Student Panels, Parent/Carer Questionnaires, EAL learner profiles. Parent questionnaire completed after parents evenings via Forms.
Data collated by HLG and action plans generated based on results.
HLG (Assistant Head – DEI) Throughout the year A higher return of questionnaires than previous year to show greater engagement with parent body.
Parent/carer questionnaire consulting about RSE provision. Answers discussed with Students and Curriculum Governors Committee.
Amendments made to RSE policy where appropriate.
HLG (Assistant Head – DEI) January 2025 Answers reflect that parents/carers share our values on RSE and how it is delivered in school.
A robust RSE policy which reflects the common values of governors, staff, teachers, parents/carers and students.
Parent/carer questionnaire about PP provision sent. HLG (Assistant Head – DEI) July 2025 A high return of responses. Useful suggestions for how to further improve support for PP students and families actioned.
WRATs in Terms 1, 3 and 6.
Face-to-face panels during Term 6.
CLO (Deputy Head – DSL) Throughout the year All students have two WRAT interviews with their tutors. All follow-up requests actioned within one month.
EAL learner profile completed Term 1 which required actions stemming from those conversations being communicated to staff. HLG (Assistant Head – DEI)
September 2024 EAL provision is personalised according to student need. Staff are cognisant of their responsibilities regarding EAL learners. WRATs, attendance data, behaviour data and academic data indicate that EAL learners are making good progress and are happy in school.

Our DEI provision mapped against the PSED and the protected characteristics

  Duty 1: Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct that is prohibited by the Equality Act 2010. Duty 2: Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not share it. Duty 3: Foster good relations across protected characteristics – between people who are a protected characteristic and people who do not share it.

(in reference to adults)
There is a wide range of ages amongst the staff body. Staff recruitment procedures ensure equality of opportunity. Students from all year groups can belong to student leadership groups, such as Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Well Being Ambassadors, etc. School events such as the House Plays and the School Production include students from all year groups. Sixth Form students run the Community Tea Party for members of the local community who live in residential homes. Cross-age mentoring schemes in school, such as Peer Mentors, Subject Mentors and the House System fosters good relationships between year groups.
Disability Accessibility needs are met through the facilities and layout of the site.

Any discriminatory incidents are logged and are dealt with.

The Learning Support Department creates individual Student Passports so teachers know how to make learning accessible for all students. Additional training is provided to staff for improving practice in teaching students with visual impairments and hearing loss, for example.
All students are able to access the curriculum through adaptations that are made by curriculum leaders and teachers.

All students are able to participate in extra-curricular activities.
The student code of conduct of the 4Cs include: co-operation, courtesy and community. These values are promoted in assemblies, Thoughts for the Day and in all behaviour management.
Gender reassignment Staff recruitment procedures help ensure equality of opportunity.

Any discriminatory incidents are logged and are dealt with.
The school promotes diversity, equality and inclusion in all of its policies and procedures. The school celebrates difference through a range of events throughout the school year.
Marriage & Civil Partnerships

(in reference to adults)
The school grants staff leave for their wedding or civil partnership. Staff recruitment procedures help ensure equality of opportunity. The school promotes diversity, equality and inclusion in all of its policies and procedures. A variety of staff social events are organised each year, some allowing partners to be included, others not.
Pregnancy and maternity The school grants staff paternity and maternity leave. The school supports partners attending medical appointments during pregnancy. The school supports flexible working hours as far as possible for teachers returning from maternity leave and those with children. The HR manager provides support to staff during pregnancy. Risk assessments are put in place where required. The school promotes a supportive staff environment for staff through coaching. Staff cohesion is developed through an active Staff Social Committee and breakfast every week during Briefing.
Race Any racist incidents are logged on sims and My Concern and are dealt with very seriously.
Attainment is tracked according to ethnicities; all students make good progress irrespective of their ethnic background.

Staff recruitment procedures help ensure equality of opportunity.
The PDC programme includes lessons on diversity and inclusion, with specific reference to race (as well as the other protected characteristics).

We have a message of Be an Upstander so student call out any racism that they may witness. There are a range of reporting tools available to them to do this.

Curriculum leaders exploit opportunities to include racial and ethnic diversity in their lessons; this is mapped through our SMSC provision document.
The school organises workshops for all year groups which promote cohesion and belonging.

Assemblies explore themes around race, such as Stephen Lawrence Day, BHM, Martin Luther King Jr Day.
Religion or belief All students in KS3 have a weekly Religious Studies lesson. At KS4 Core RE is taught through the PDC programme. These curricular are designed so students have an awareness, appreciation and respect for people who hold a religious belief and those who do not. Staff and students are allowed absence to celebrate religious festivals.

Muslim students are given facilities in which to wash and pray during Ramadan. Allowances are made during the fast for activities such as PE.
Religious festivals are celebrated through assemblies.

Curriculum leaders and subject teachers exploit opportunities to explore different beliefs and encourage respect between people of different faiths and no faith.
Sex Any misogynistic incidents are logged on sims and My Concern and are dealt with very seriously.

Attainment is tracked according to sex; the gap between male and female students is minimal.

Staff recruitment procedures help ensure equality of opportunity.
The PDC programme includes lessons on stereotyping, prejudice and discrimination, with specific reference to sex (as well as the other protected characteristics).

We have a message of Be an Upstander so student call out any misogyny that they may witness. There are a range of reporting tools available to them to do this.

Curriculum leaders exploit opportunities to go against male/female stereotypes in their lessons.
The school organises workshops for all year groups which promote cohesion and belonging.

Assemblies explore themes around sex, including International Women’s Day.
Sexual orientation Any discriminatory incidents are logged and are dealt with.

Staff recruitment procedures help ensure equality of opportunity.
The school works hard to build positive relationships with all families, through Parent Information Evenings, face-to-face parents evenings and regular letters to parents informing them of their Head of Year contact.

The PDC curriculum addresses different family structures and topics related to sexual orientation.
Our Pastoral Support Worker works with students and their families to remove any barriers to attendance and/or learning.

All members of PLT are trained DSLs and work collaboratively to provide personalised support for students.

We have student leadership groups who raise awareness around sexual orientation, e.g. Diversity Group and organise school-wide events such as Community Week to celebrate difference.