Strong pastoral care is one of the pillars of our success. All students from Years 7 to 13 have a form tutor, that they see twice a day, and who provides the academic and wellbeing intervention central to students at this school. We appreciate that some students may find education difficult, but we will work with students and their families to find solutions that work. We are also aware of the day-to-day struggles that young people can face as they navigate a complex world. However, a school we work with young people to help build resilience and give them the tools they need to be able to deal with these situations.
However, where students and families need additional support then we advise you make contact with the child’s Head of Year so they can listen to your concern and make next step decision. This could include referral you to the wellbeing officers we have working full-time in school. Or signpost and refer to external providers who are able to offer more specialised support. Below we have also put some links to website that you may find useful in guiding you as to what kind of support your child may need.
Promote a positive outlook regarding students MHWB difficulties.
Eliminate prejudice towards students with MHWB difficulties.
Promote equal opportunities for students with MHWB difficulties.
Ensure all cases of students with MHWB difficulties are identified and appropriately supported. The Ecclesbourne School will work with outside agencies where the following principles are concerned:
The involvement of students and their parents in decision-making.
The early identification of students’ needs.
Collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support when required by the student.
Greater choice and control for students and their parents over their support.
James McNamara
Clarissa Ourabi
Safeguarding Lead
Helen Green
Head of Inclusion
Heads of School
Petra Owen-Moore
Head of Lower School
David Duncker-Brown
Head of Upper School
Hannah Weller
Head of Sixth Form
Heads of Year
Jake Poplawski
Head of Year 7
Justin Weller
Head of Year 8
Emma Stott
Head of Year 9
Vicky Dodson
Head of Year 10
Mark Sellers
Head of Year 11
Penelope Bamber
Head of Year 12
Sarah Hadwin
Head of Year 13
Other Key Staff
David Partridge
Louise Monk
Pastoral Support Worker
Lisa Tanser
School Nurse
In the Curriculum
During PDC, assemblies. drop down sessions and taught parts of the curriculum students are taught about how to maintain positive well-being and provided with resources they can use to improve well-being. Below are a sample of the areas we cover:
Maintaining healthy friendships/relationship
How to reduce stress and anxiety
How to prepare for internal and external exams and be an effective learner
The importance of health and wellbeing including physical exercise
Peer pressure and how to navigate it
Alcohol and drug education including the use of stimulants
How to make informed decisions that positively impact on wellbeing
Where to go for support to improve your wellbeing
Student Leadership
Students play an active role in safeguarding their peers whilst in school.
Welbeing Ambasadors
House Captains
Sixth form Prefects
Student Council
External Information/Support
A useful starting point for additional information is:
Specific Issues
Drugs and Alcohol
Exam Stress
Calm -Harm – reduces urges to self-harm- App managing emotions based on CBT principles
Catch It – learn to manage negative thoughts
Chill Panda – breathing techniques to help relax
Chat Health - Support for young people (11-19 year olds) text 07507 330025
Smiling Mind - Mindfulness App
Mental health services
Trent PTS and Insight
IAPT. For people over 16: Call 0333 0153 496 or submit a self- referral at
And there is also information on the following website -
Podcasts -Trauma, and PTSD, expert, Professor Andrea Danese talks to freelance journalist Jo Carlowe. - Dan Johnson and Jo Carlowe discuss trauma-informed care, the impact of the ACE’s framework on clinical practice and government policy and the difference between adversity and trauma.
More help
Bridge the Gap - this organisation is based in Derby and whilst some of their work/resources are available FREE, some need to be paid for.
01332 600827