Learning Support

Course Aims

The Enhanced Learning Department provides extra support for selected students at Ecclesbourne.

The main aims of the department are to improve literacy, numeracy and social skills as appropriate.

In addition, we also aim to boost confidence and self esteem through a range of teaching and extra-curricular strategies.

Course Content

Lessons are tailored to individual needs and taught in either one to one or in small withdrawal groups with an Enhanced Learning Teacher. Social Skills are taught through small withdrawal groups by a member of the Enhanced Learning Officer (ELO) Team.

In Year 7, students can take part in reading, spelling and comprehension lessons; mathematics lessons; social skills groups.

In Year 8, students can take part in reading, spelling and comprehension lessons; mathematics lessons; social skills groups.

In Year 9, students can take part in reading and writing skills lessons improved by delivery of the ASDAN bronze award; mathematics lessons.

Extra Curricular Activities

Egg project; secret garden; recycling; trips to ‘Happy Hens.’

If you have any questions or queries relating to the Learning Support curriculum please email headofls@ecclesbourne.derbyshire.sch.uk for more information.