Welcome from the Head of Sixth Form
The role of an outstanding Sixth form is to prepare your child for life beyond school in an every changing and increasingly globalised world. The experience a child receives at 6th form can really shape their lives. These final years of school are an important stepping-stone into further education and life beyond. For those moving onto to university and indeed the job market, it means academic success but also building a body of experience to demonstrate exceptional aptitude. At Ecclesbourne we work hard to ensure students get the best level of structure, challenge, and personal development to suit their needs. We offer an exciting and stimulating curriculum, a supportive pastoral system and a wide range of leadership opportunities for students. Everyone will find they can learn, develop and hone their skills before they make that leap to Higher Education, an Apprenticeship or employment.
At Ecclesbourne students excel academically because of high expectations and well-placed motivation from staff. Accompanied by outstanding teaching from specialists in their fields, students are encouraged to be the best they can be.
Years 12 and 13 is a period of change, with more focus on independent study and exam results. However, here at Ecclesbourne we are experienced in ensuring that all students, no matter what their starting point or needs, are supported students both academically and in their personal development.
Learning at this level and making decisions about the future is challenging for both students and parents. At the school we acknowledge that success is a partnership between the school, the student and parents and so as well as providing support for students we have a regular programme of communication with parents, so they know how best to support their child. Students are provided with excellent information, advice and guidance and as a result qualifications and subjects are well matched to students’ aspirations and abilities.
Achievement is excellent and in 2022 72% of A Level students achieved A*-B ( 39% at A*/A) and 89% achieved A*-C.
We welcome both current Ecclesbourne students and those from other schools into our sixth form. We will foster ambition and hard work as we want them to become independent learners and fulfil their potential. With the roles of responsibility available we believe all our students will make a positive contribution to the school, local and wider community.
Hannah Weller
Head of Sixth Form
Mrs H. Weller
Assistant Head Teacher & Head of Sixth Form