Sixth Aim

All members of the school community should appreciate the world at large.

This aim encapsulates all aspects of our liaison as a school community with the wider community and with the promotion of global citizenship.

  • The School encourages active participation in the life and development of the School as a community.
  • The School ensures that parents feel informed and involved with the School as members of the “learning partnership” and the school community.
  • The School is a genuine resource for the community and the community recognises itself as an important resource for the School.
  • The School has a close, supportive and productive relationship with its feeder primary schools, partnership providers, local colleges and universities.
  • The School has a supportive and productive relationship with other local, national and international schools
  • The School works closely with external agencies, the Local Authority, all children’s services and Central Government.
  • The School actively seeks to create effective links with the business community.
  • The School works closely with the community to improve the quality of provision for the School and the local community.
  • The School fosters an awareness of and active engagement with, a range of global issues.