British Values: Individual liberty

How do we cover Individual Liberty?

  • Assemblies and Thought for the Day topics regularly address the issue of choice and liberty
  • In RS and History the Holocaust is taught, with a key focus being the choices of perpetrators. The unit of work involves a trip to Beth Shalom.
  • PDC workshops on choice include: Chelsea’s Story (Y9) on CSE and Where’s Your Line? (Y10) on consent
  • All Year 9 students have a 1:1 interview with a member of the 14+ Options Team to help them with their GCSE choices
  • All Year 11 students have a 1:1 interview with a member of the 16+ Options Team to help them with their post-16 choices
  • CEIAG provision ensures that students are making informed decisions about their next steps, with local college and apprenticeship assemblies, visits to careers fairs, etc.
  • House Captains, write, produce and direct the House Plays
  • The uniform policy gives female students the choice of wearing skirts or trousers
  • Students are able to join a number of different groups: Student Council, Diversity, Feminista, Wellbeing Ambassadors, Anti-Bullying Ambassadors, Peer Mentors, Subject Mentors, Buddy Readers.
  • Students are encouraged to ‘Be an Upstander’ with the message delivered in assemblies, signage around the school, displays and in lessons, that there is no such thing as a bystander. Students are made aware of the variety of different ways that they can report concerns.

Formal Definition

Freedom of speech is the political right to communicate one's opinions and ideas. The term freedom of expression is sometimes used synonymously, but includes any act of seeking, receiving and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used

How does it link to school?

-Treat people as equal everyone is the same just with different characteristics -Make your power count- stand-up for what you believe in but not at the expense of others. -Understand the political arena and make your vote count Take responsibility be part of a community and apart from it